Sunday, April 10, 2011

Inspired by Your Style....


hi, entry kali santai2 je coz xde idea lagi nk post something more informasi...see, post titlenye pon dah menunjukkan pasai fashion sense...hehe 

i think everybody loves fashion..ade jugak la yg xskenye...tapi aku tgk rmai je ske..kalau x, mesti la pemakaian dorang2 diluar sane tu x up to date kn?? dorang juz pakai baju fashion2 lame2 je...ramai manusia2 yang dh tau berfashion and really up to date nowadays. tbut, when we talking about fashion sense, ade 4 org selebrity barat nie yang aku ske sgt tgk..

Jom Intai jap...

1- Olivia Palermo

she is american sosialite, model and actress.

2- Alexa Chung

look at that Chanel bag.. i wanted it!

3 - Rachel Bilson


i wanted those dress..

4 - Rose Byrne

so, the conclusion is, i love their fashion sense.. quite petite and manners..casual and classic too. Alexa Chung and Rose byrne is the best for me..they both have a casual and classy style at the same time.. hahaha
 i love it!!!

thats all from now..kalo ade mse, i will post new entry la. klu xde tu, maknanya, i really busy lor...
ok, have a nice day people.. : )


  1. rose is beautiful.
    i like her too.

  2. busy la sgt cik salwani oii...hukhukk...

  3. buzy tau cik dila...
    asgment ade 2 lg nak summit nie..
