Friday, March 25, 2011

* BeaUtIFuL GiRlS i tHiNk???? ...*


Personally, aku rase banyak sangat wanita-wanita cantik diluar sana..So Many different types with different tastes of individuals..Kawan-kawan aku pon ramai gak yang cantik-cantik, comel-comel & cun-cun....hehehe 
(mood : menipu)

Mid, Ain. Dian, Dayah dan so on (sorry xsebut name) masing-masing ade kecantikan yang tersendiri... :p

tapi kt sini, xnk la citer pasal dorang sebab aku nak share tentang 'beautiful girls' mengikut taste dorang ni semuanya artis-artis barat dan bukan orang melayu la..Jommm Layan!!!!!

1- Rose Byrne

she beautiful lor...

Rose Byrne with my ex-boyfriend  Brad Pitt promoting Troy 2004

at cannes film festival 2004

p/s : she will appeared dalam citer terbaru X-men First Class ( 3june 2011)
       suka sangat tengok dia dgn Brad Pitt dalam Troy.. she soooooo beautiful i Think....

2- Kim So Yeon (Korean Actress)

SHE during PIFF award in 2009

Kim So YeON during IRIS drama shooting in Hungary

p/s : Kalau korang suka layan citer2 @ drama korea mesti korang akan kenal dengan Kim so yeon. sebelum ni, dia xfamous sangat sebab ramai yang benci dia dalam citer 'All Aboutr Eve' sebab dia sangat2 berjaya membawa watak villain@ jahat... (susah jugak kalau pandai sangat berlakon ni) ..tapi sekarang nama dia kat korea memang terkenal la. kalau korang xkenal gak, try la tengok citer@ drama  Prosecutor Princess, IRIS, or Dr. Champ (semua drama tbaru dia)
* latest news : she will appeared in new movie called 'Russian Coffee' with handsome actor Joo Jin Moo.

3- Jessica Biel

with her ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake (JT)

Gan ex-bf...

shooting A-team film...

P/S : she is currently single after breakup with famous singer JT after 4 years together.( agak lame gak bagi omputih ni) tapi aku rase dalam 1-2 bulan lagi mesti dia ada bf baru..(biasela kn orang kalau dah cantik nie)
honestly, for me, she is beautiful in her own way ..body dia pon cantik...(jenis atlet gitu..)
* she will appeared in 'new year's eve' film on 9 december 2011

4- Megan Fox

on ELLE magazine cover...

with her hubby Brian Austin Green..

her her hubby again....

P/S : i think she was the hottest girl ever in hollywood...her face and her body fit perfectly together ( which make her hot!!) 
megan fox already married with Brian austin green in, i guess she officially off from boys market..
* she will appeared in 'passion play' and 'Friends with Kids' film..

5- Udita Goswami (Bollywood Actress)

during filming 'diary of butterfly'..

with John Abraham in Paap movie...

p/s : i think her face xmcm orang india la...but, she beautiful i think...hehe
* she will appeared in 'Diary Of Butterflies' film and unknown Hollywood film...

- setakat ni la dulu yer...
take care and wasallam.........


  1. sejak bila brad pitt jadik bf kamu?????
    mandai buat cite yerr!!hahah

  2. hahahah...memang dia bf kita la...
    cuma kite jer xpenah citer kt korang...hahah
